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Recommended Books, |
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'The Demon-Haunted World'
Carl Sagan
'Why People Believe Weird Things'
Michael Shermer
'Unweaving the Rainbow'
Richard Dawkins
'The Skeptic's Guide
Lynne Kelly
'Pseudoscience and the Paranormal'
Terence Hines
'How Mumbo-Jumbo
Francis Wheen
'Science Friction'
Michael Shermer
'The Borderlands of Science'
Michael Shermer
Mike Dash
'Believing in Magic'
Stuart A. Vyse
'Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast'
Lewis Wolpert
Georges Charpak and Henri Broch
Richard Wiseman
'James Randi: Psychic Investigator'
James Randi
'Did Adam and Eve have Navels?'
Martin Gardner
Vicki Hyde
'Dark White'
Jim Schnabel
'Round in Circles'
Jim Schnabel
James Randi
'The Supernatural A-Z'
James Randi
'UFOs Explained'
Philip J. Klass
Philip J. Klass
'The UFO Phenomena'
Edward Ashpole
'The UFO Invasion'
Edited by Kendrick Frazier, |
'Dying to Live'
Susan Blackmore
'Good Luck Mr Gorsky'
Robert Pollock
'Voodoo Science'
Robert Park
'Bad Science'
Ben Goldacre
'How We Know What Isn't So'
Thomas Gilovich
'Skeptical Odysseys'
Edited by Paul Kurtz
'How to Think About Weird Things'
Theodore Schick & Lewis Vaughn
'Sleeping With Extra-Terrestrials'
Wendy Kaminer
'Voodoo Histories'
David Aaronovitch
'Weird Science'
Michael White
'Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity'
John Stossel
'Complementary Therapies for Cancer'
Professor Shaun Holt
Gary Marcus
'The Skeptic's Dictionary'
Robert Todd Carroll
'The March of Unreason'
Dick Taverne
Professor Richard Wiseman
'Denying History'
Michael Shermer & Alex Grobman
'The Believing Brain'
Michael Shermer
'50 Popular Beliefs
Guy P. Harrison
'Believing Bullshit'
Stephen Law
'Myths and Mysteries in Archaeology'
Susan A. Johnston
'Missing Pieces'
Robert A. Baker & Joe Nickell
'Bad Pharma'
Ben Goldacre
'An Illustrated Book
Ali Almossawi
'Caveman Logic'
Hank Davis
'Trick or Treatment?'
Simon Singh & Edzard Ernst
'Bad Astronomy'
Philip Plait
'Faking History'
Jason Colavito
Robert L. Park
'Empires of Belief'
Stuart Sim
'Wilful Blindness'
Margaret Heffernan
'The Flight from Science and Reason'
Edited by Paul R. Gross, |
'Merchants of Doubt'
Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
'Thinking Clearly'
Jill LeBlanc
Susan A. Clancy
Mary Roach
Rose Shapiro
Bruce Hood
'Science, Nonscience, and Nonsense'
Michael Zimmerman
Michael Specter
'Deadly Choices'
Paul A. Offit
'Suspicious Minds'
Rob Brotherton
'Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction'
Charles M. Wynn and Arthur W. Wiggins
'Lies, Damned Lies, and Science'
Sherry Seethaler
'American Hauntings'
Robert E. Bartholomew and Joe Nickell
'Weaponized Lies'
Daniel J. Levitin
'UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens'
Donald R. Prothero and |
'The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking'
Matthew Hutson
'Bad UFOs'
Robert Sheaffer
'Escaping the Rabbit Hole'
Mick West
'The Moon Hoax?'
Thomas Eversberg
'Calculated Risks'
Gerd Gigerenzer
'The Cartoon Introduction
Grady Klein and Yoram Bauman
'The Thinking Person's Guide
Robert Henson
'Cranky Uncle vs. Climate Change'
John Cook
'The Physics of Climate Change'
Lawrence M. Krauss
Jonathan M. Berman
'Top 10 Vaccine Objections'
Alex Ramirez
'The Way of Science'
Dennis R. Trumble
'Fakers, Forgers & Phoneys'
Magnus Magnusson
'Scientific Paranormal Investigation'
Benjamin Radford
'Investigating Ghosts'
Benjamin Radford
'COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories'
John Bodner, Wendy Welch, Lan Brodie, |
'A Survival Guide to
David J. Helfand
'Weird Earth'
Donald R. Prothero
'I Have Nothing to Hide'
Heidi Boghosian
'Medieval Underpants and Other Blunders'
Susanne Alleyn
'How To Be Right'
James O'Brien
'How to Talk to a Science Denier'
Lee McIntyre
'Modern Conspiracies in America'
Michael D. Gambone
'The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe'
Steven Novella
Casey Lytle
'Responding to the Right'
Nathan J. Robinson
'Lost City, Found Pyramid'
Edited by Jeb J. Card |
'Fake Believe'
Dylan Reeve
Byron Clark
'Quantum Bullsh*t'
Chris Ferrie
'Fragile Science'
Robin Baker
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Penn & Teller
'Enemies of Reason'
Richard Dawkins
Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman
'Naked Science' |
'World's Greatest Hoaxes'
TV Documentary
'Secrets of Psychics Revealed'
'The Business of Scams'
'Search for the Loch Ness Monster'
Steve Leonard
'The Diana Conspiracy'
'Who Killed Diana?'
'Conspiracy Theories'
The Fifth Estate
'The Truth Behind the Moon Landings'
'Do You Believe in the Paranormal?'
'The Nostradamus Effect'
Is it Real?
'UFOs & Aliens'
TV Documentary, 3 Episodes
'Healer or Hoax?'
TV Documentary
'Roswell UFO'
TV Documentary
'Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends'
TV Documentary
'Did Aliens Build the Pyramids?'
TV Documentary
'The Mentalist'
Simon Baker, Robin Tunney
'Scooby Doo, Where Are You!'
Kids' TV Animated Comedy Series
'The Girl with the X-Ray Eyes'
Richard Wiseman
'South Park'
Trey Parker, Matt Stone
'Can We Believe The Science?'
Professor Lesley Regan
'The Truth About Healthy Eating'
Fiona Phillips
Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu
'Full Frontal'
American News Comedy Series
'Leap of Faith'
Steve Martin, Debra Winger
'Trust Me, I'm a Doctor'
Michael Mosley
'Going Clear'
TV Documentary
'In the Shadow of the Moon'
David Sington (Dir)
Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson
'Meet the Censors'
Havard Fossum (Dir)
'After Truth'
Andrew Rossi (Dir)
'The Brainwashing of My Dad'
Jen Senko (Dir)
'Attack of the Hollywood Cliches!'
Rob Lowe
'Deleted Scenes of Women in
Dara Laine
'The Anti-Vax Conspiracy'
Colette Camden
Hannah Fry
'The Big Bang Theory'
Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, |
Tracy Grandstaff, Wendy Hoopes
'Don't Look Up'
Jennifer Lawrence, Leonardo DiCaprio, |
'Fire and Fury'
Toby Longbottom (Dir)
'Science Friction'
Emery Emery (Dir)
Yael Melamede (Dir)
'An Honest Liar'
James Randi
'Snap Decision'
Mare Winningham, Felicity Huffman
The Real "CSI"
Andres Cediel (Dir)
'Bill Nye:
David Alvarado, |
'Merchants of Doubt'
Robert Kenner (Dir)
'Nuclear Now'
Oliver Stone (Dir)
'Behind the Curve'
Daniel J. Clark (Dir)
'The Cult of Conspiracy
Ben Zand (Dir)
'Web of Chaos'
Justin Pemberton (Dir)
'Fake News'
Ian Hislop
'Ancient Aliens Debunked'
Chris White (Dir)
Channing Tatum, James Corden, |
Mindy Kaling, Constance Wu
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Last Updated Sep 2024 |