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Recommended Skeptic & Atheist websites & blogs


Skeptical Inquirer
The website of CSI — the 'Committee for Skeptical Inquiry', and the publisher of the Skeptical Inquirer magazine. Skeptical investigation of the paranormal, supernatural, religion, pseudoscience etc. Online articles from past issues of 'Skeptical Inquirer' magazine.

Skeptic Magazine
"Extraordinary Claims, Revolutionary Ideas, and the Promotion of Science". Skeptical topics with renown skeptic Michael Shermer.

Religious Instruction in NZ Schools
A resource for parents of primary school children.

The Skeptic's Dictionary
An excellent skeptical resource that "features definitions, arguments, and essays on occult topics ranging from acupuncture to zombies."

'Free Inquiry' magazine
'Celebrating Reason and Humanity. The transnational secular humanist magazine'. Online articles from past issues of 'Free Inquiry' magazine.

Pat Condell's Godless Comedy
Pat Condell, an outspoken atheist and ex-stand-up comedian, talks frankly about atheism, saying that 'I used to talk about this stuff in comedy clubs until I discovered internet video. Now I get a lot more death threats, but I don't have to deal with drunks.'
Links to his videos and audio MP3s are on his website.

American Atheists
"Publish a magazine, books, and numerous articles that inquire into the god myths and offer clear alternatives to those offered by religion."

Agnosticism / Atheism
Excellent site examining atheism, its myths, arguments, benefits etc.

Bad Astronomy
Examines the astronomy and science 'facts' portrayed in movies, on TV and in the media.

NZ Association of Rationalists and Humanists
The group for Kiwis who have ejected the supernatural from their lives.

The Brights
A movement for all non-religious and non-mystical people that elevates the naturalistic worldview and rejects the supernatural.

New Zealand Skeptics
NZ's very own skeptical organisation.

Jesus Never Existed
Excellent site that examines the myths behind Jesus and Christianity.

A website of quotes on numerous topics, and relevant to our site, quotes on Skepticism, Atheism, Science and Philosophy.

James Randi Educational Foundation
"An educational resource on the paranormal, pseudoscientific and the supernatural". Previously the site of the "Million Dollar Challenge" for those with paranormal abilities.

Astrology Debunked
'Astrology: FACT or FICTION?' By Michael E. Bakich.

Biblical Nonsense
Examines the nonsense that makes up the Bible.

The Official God FAQ
This site is just one page but makes all other sites on God superfluous. Brilliant.


Conspiracy Nutbars of New Zealand
"Bashing my head against the conspiracy theorist brickwall since 2006: Clare Swinney, Chemtrails, Uncensored, Poisoning the people, Climate change, Mysteriousnz"

Evidence Based Thought
"An exercise in critical thinking."

Author of Confusion
"Musings of a kiwi atheist."

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Last Updated May 2018